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Welcome to the Foundation of Thermography simulation research repository.
Here you'll find a number of informative studies on the subjec of medical infrared in the context of a number of applications including breast oncology, Peripheral Neuropathy Cerebral Vascular Disease, and Rheumatoid Disease.
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Deep Vein Thrombosis:
Proceedings – 19th International Conference – IEEE/EMBS Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 1997 Chicago, IL
Is DVT Excluded by Normal Thermal Imaging? – An Outcome Study of 700 Cases.

In view of the many advantages compared with venography or Doppler ultrasound, and the ability to avoid the necessity for over one third of these investigations, thermal imaging should be considered the initial investigation of choice in clinically suspected DVT, proceeding to venography or Doppler ultrasound only when thermal imaging is positive…
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Thermal imaging in the detection of bowel ischemia.
The aim of this study was to introduce thermal imaging in the intraoperative detection of bowel ischemia by comparing thermal imaging with conventional techniques in detecting acutely ischemic bowel, using histologic evidence for intestinal necrosis as the standard. METHODS: A prospective study was performed using a porcine model…
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Infrared thermography for examination of skin temperature in the dorsal hand of office workers.
Reduced blood flow may contribute to the pathophysiology of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (UEMSD), such as tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome The study objective was to characterize potential differences in cutaneous temperature, among three groups of office workers assessed by dynamic thermography…
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Validation of thermography in the diagnosis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
OBJECTIVES: To examine the validity of several thermogram-derived indices of autonomic functioning in the diagnosis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). DESIGN: A series of chronic pain patients were classified diagnostically based on thermogram results using discriminant function analysis, and validity measures (e.g., sensitivity, specificity) were used to determine the accuracy of computerized thermographic pixel analysis in discriminating RSD from other pathology…
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Infrared Thermography in the Diagnosis and Management of Sports Injuries: A Clinical Study and Literature Review
Abstract: Thermography has emerged as a valuable diagnostic too in sports medicine and musculoskeletal disorders. Thermography not only helps confirm a diagnosis, but can be used as a gauge to clinically assess progress and treatment response, as well as a prognostic indicator…
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Thermography and Thermometry in the Assessment of Diabetic Neuropathic Foot: A Case for Furthering the Role of Thermal Techniques
There are currently 3 established techniques employed routinely to determine the risk of foot ulceration in the patient with diabetes mellitus. These are the assessment of circulation, neuropathy, and foot pressure. These assessments are widely used clinically as well as in the research domain with an aim to prevent the onset of foot ulceration…
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Application of medical thermography to the diagnosis of Frey's syndrome.
• Isogai N.
• Kamiishi H.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kinki University Hospital, Osaka, Japan.
BACKGROUND: In Frey's syndrome, the secretory parasympathetic fibers of the parotid gland are thought to communicate with the sympathetic nerve fibers of sweat glands and blood vessels of the skin following parotidectomy. Miscommunication results in subjective gustatory sweating and facial flushing, which appear early with postoperative mastication…
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Thermography in Neurological and Musculoskeletal Conditions

AVAILABLE PROOF OF EFFICACY: Evidence of prospective studies. Prospective studies have shown the excellent sensitivity and good correlation of thermography with other imaging methods…
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